Coronavirus-parenting through a pandemic

Coronavirus-- parenting through a pandemic My suggestions to separating parents is always to try to see things from the children's perspective and to try to offer reassurance and also uniformity when making plans for who they live and spend time with, so that their children understand what to expect. Nevertheless, throughout a pandemic that [...]

By |February 16th, 2021|Solicitors blog|Comments Off on Coronavirus-parenting through a pandemic

Family Law What happens when couples divorce?

Matrimonial discord is something most couples do not understand or think about until they find themselves in an unhappy or abusive relationship. Even then one partner would normally be in an advantageous position due to financial superiority or control and therefore the other spouse often continues to put up with unreasonable demands and [...]

By |November 30th, 2019|Solicitors blog|Comments Off on Family Law What happens when couples divorce?

Landmark UK Supreme Court Human Rights decision on Parents and Child Rights

Landmark UK Supreme Court Human Rights decision on Parents and Child Rights A Pakistani father has won a six-year battle against deportation by the Home Office. Adil Shahwas denied family rights to live in the UK with his British wife and his child for whom he was the primary carer whilst his wife worked [...]

By |September 18th, 2019|Solicitors blog|Comments Off on Landmark UK Supreme Court Human Rights decision on Parents and Child Rights

Human trafficking – Fastest growing global crime

Human trafficking – Fastest growing global crime • 27 million worldwide are enslaved in labour or sexual servitude• Potential victims in the UK rise to 5,000• Modern Slavery Act 2015 must be robustly implemented to protect victims In our daily lives we do not take much notice of invisible exploitation and abuse [...]

By |June 13th, 2018|Solicitors blog|Comments Off on Human trafficking – Fastest growing global crime

Muslim clergy should embrace ‘openness’

Muslim clergy should embrace ‘openness’ Mosques should have more ‘open days’Religious leaders should encourage education and inter faith harmonyWomen should be actively involved in community activities By Shahid Dastgir Khan A debate has been ongoing for some years in political and interfaith circles concerning the crucial question of ‘openness’ within the Muslim [...]

By |May 2nd, 2018|Solicitors blog|Comments Off on Muslim clergy should embrace ‘openness’

London beats New York in murder rate

London beats New York in murder rate The government has announced a major shift in its policy on knife and gun crime in the capital in the wake of increasing use of knives and guns. The announcement by Home Office minister Amber Rudd of the government’s new Serious Violence Strategy would aim to strike [...]

By |April 17th, 2018|Solicitors blog|Comments Off on London beats New York in murder rate

Legal Advice with Shahid Dastagir Khan

Legal Advice with Shahid Dastagir Khan A live show discussing various legal issues concerning immigration, family and other civil matters, hosted by expert solicitors. This show discuss your legal issues about immigration, family matters and civil matters by expert Solicitors. WATCH NEXT VIDEO

By |April 17th, 2018|Legal Advice, Solicitors blog|Comments Off on Legal Advice with Shahid Dastagir Khan

Workplace Harassment – A Guide for Employers

Workplace Harassment – A Guide for Employers Women lawyers say sexual harassment is fact of life at UK law firmsWhen the managing partner at Jane’s law firm entered her hotel room and insisted they have another drink, all she could think about was how to extricate herself without losing her job. The company [...]

By |December 18th, 2017|Solicitors blog, Workplace Harassment|Comments Off on Workplace Harassment – A Guide for Employers