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Divorce Financial Settlement

Khans Solicitors are renowned for their experience in handling divorce financial matters smoothly and peacefully for our customers. We will support you hand in hand through out the process of settling financial matters.

We can help you in the following aspects of financial settlement;

  • Entitlements to maintenance (spouse or kids).
  • Sorting out family businesses.
  • Dealing with pension plans.
  • Payable one off amount.
  • Division of all other assets & possessions like shares, stocks, ISAs, PEPs, costs bonds and also savings.
  • Division of matrimonial house (i.e. whether it’s transferred to one event or put up for sale).

Clients usually think and ask why they need to go to the solicitor rather taking the matter in the court. They believe that by litigating in the court over the finances they would potentially get even more of the money/assets.

However, based on our 35 years of experience, we believe most of our clients could settle their cases, out of court. Going to court is costly, time-consuming and also worst of all, there is no warranty that you will certainly obtain the outcome you prefer.

How Can We Help You?

We will make negotiations very attractive for both parties quickly and cost effectively. We will make sure that there must be minimum effect of divorce on your kids as well as save you a significant amount of money and time. Following are some other perks, we can manage to get for you;

  • You keep the control of your finances, not your solicitors or courts.
  • It is a sensible as well as gracious approach, which will certainly keep your anxiety down.
  • Kid’s preferences and benefits are prioritised utmost.
  • You control and manage the process- there are no court deadlines to adhere to or hearings to attend.
  • You both most probably will be able to maintain graceful relations after separation especially if you have kids.

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Call us 24/7 at 020 8553 5995 or fill out the form below to receive a free and confidential initial consultation.

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    Family and Children

    Separation is potentially among the most stressful life events you can experience, and one that can have a significant impact on your family


    To be part of a civil partnership or same sex marital relationship is one of the very best days of your life yet…


    We are xperience in handling divorce financial matters smoothly and peacefully for our customers…


    Our expert team is the best to offer emphatic advice, support and representation in disputes concerning kids.


    If you are living with a partner who is not your spouse, your financial rights will be complex and uncertain.


    There is a necessary contract that requires to be prepared and also signed before getting marriage.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    If you have gotten to an arrangement with your spouse exactly how you are going to split your financial assets, you will still need to have this written as a legal binding agreement and our expert solicitors can arrange for you. We will prepare the agreement as required by law. Which will be acceptable by the court. It will not be an approved order unless approved by the judge.

    You don’t require to must have the financial agreement during your divorce process. But if you don’t agree on financial settlement and get it written by a qualified solicitor then other party can proceed a financial claim against you. Which can cause you another trouble and money in future. We strongly suggest that you should get to an agreement as well as have an Authorization Order in place, even if you don’t share properties, pensions or financial savings.

    Sometimes married couples or civil partners have the same income and divide the expenses equally but not always. If one person has stayed at home to take care of the house and kids, her financial contribution will be less than her spouse.However, both partners will have equal share of money and assets. Hence, it is highly recommended to get financial settlement agreement written as a Consent order.

    While it’s always best if you and your spouse or civil partner can reach a friendly arrangement, however to make your arrangement law binding, you still need to get a Consent Order from the court. As the court will make sure that the settlement is appropriate, and that no one will be treated unfairly. Additionally it will make sure that both partners have to abide by the lawful arrangement securing you from the other party reneging on an agreement.

    If you cannot agree on financial settlement mutually then, our specialist solicitors will certainly recommend Mediation to arrange mutual agreement. If this still cannot bring on mutual agreement then you will have to go to the court to get financial settlement agreed, addressing the following concerns;

    • Partners age
    • Both partners’ future potential income
    • Assets like property and cash in hand
    • Whether you were the income producer or a stay-at-home parent

    It is very important to remember that the court will preferably put the children interests first when making a judgement on divorce financial settlement, as the court will certainly wish to guarantee that appropriate housing as well as financial backing are available to the children after their parents’ separation.

    Like your property, cash and other assets, Your pension plan will be accounted to have a fair financial settlement.

    Few of the practical options are;

    • It can be offset by transferring to other partner a one off payment or compensating by transferring some other assets.
    • splitting the pension plan fund right into 2 different pension plan funds, one for each partner.
    • setting up that when a pension is paid, a percentage of it will be paid to the other partner.

    Life insurance policy as well as endowment plans will be considered to have a fair agreement. You need to agree how each plan will be managed, whether premiums will remain to be paid for regular contribution policies, and also whether the recipients of any type of life insurance cover will be changed.

    You could choose to retain individual policies or to sell. Any kind of policies in joint names will generally be sold or moved right into one person’s name.

    Even the most friendly divorces can be fraught with worry and uncertainty; and you both need to be able to carry on with your lives once the marriage has legally ended. Our divorce specialists have the experience and the understanding to help you deal with this difficult time in your life and to reach a fair and equitable divorce financial settlement.

    Call us on 020 8553 5995 or contact us online and we’ll call you.