Modern Slavery Act Statement
This statement is made on behalf of Khans Solicitors UK Holdings Limited (‘the Company’) pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (‘the Act’) and constitutes our Modern Slavery Statement.
Khans Solicitors has produced a parent company statement setting out how we will prevent modern slavery in our qualifying companies (detailed below) together with all other Group companies. A Group wide approach is being adopted to manage and prevent modern slavery.
We are committed to identifying and understanding modern slavery risks and ensuring the prevention of modern slavery practices across the Group and in its supply chains. We will ensure all employees, agents, consultants, suppliers and any other parties associated with the Group will be safeguarded, treated fairly and with dignity.
Our business
Khans Solicitors Group comprises a number of separately constituted and regulated legal entities providing legal, motor, health and financial planning services in England, Wales and Malta.
The end of the last financial year for all Group companies was December 2018. Within the Group structure the legal services and motor claims businesses meet the qualifying criteria under the Act.
Our approach
At Khans Solicitors we are in the process of establishing systems and controls to enable effective management of all supplier relationships. This is a key area for improvement and forms part of an executive sponsored Group transformation project.
A new Group wide Anti-Slavery Policy demonstrates that we have a zero-tolerance approach, which further reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships.
All employees are responsible for the detection and reporting of any modern slavery practices. Concerns or suspicions are to be reported to our Group Legal & Assurance and/or HR teams in accordance with our updated reporting procedures, which include the Whistleblowing Policy and Whistleblowing Procedure.
Any recruitment is through specified reputable recruitment agencies with thorough verification of agencies before adding them to a list of approved agencies.
Modern Slavery awareness training is being embedded within Group induction and annual training programmes. In 2019, role specific training will be provided to those directly involved in managing supply chains to ensure they have the requisite tools and knowledge to deal with any modern slavery concerns.
Due diligence
This is the first Group statement. Previously individual statements were produced for the qualifying companies listed above. The main activity since publication of these individual statements has been the ongoing review and consolidation of supply chains, primarily focused on the legal businesses, to allow for improved risk management and decision making. Due to the acquisition history of the organisation this is a significant undertaking and work is ongoing.
A new system was rolled out in 2018, which will be further developed in 2019 to build this as a Group supplier management tool, which will provide robust controls for supplier onboarding and performance management.
Future contracts will include modern slavery provisions and review meetings will be established to evaluate risks and operational performance with all key suppliers and any that are deemed high risk.
In this period the Group Procurement team has been expanded to support and drive these improvements. As members of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply this team has the requisite skills and knowledge to build best practice procurement standards that are sustainable and ethical across the Group.
Board approved
The Modern Slavery Statement has been approved by the Board of Directors who will review and update it regularly.